The Wind, Weather & Waves App for Surfers, Sailors, Kitesurfers and Windsurfers
Weather forecasts for every occasion
Our global wind and weather forecast is available in increments of 3 hours with a range of 10 days into the future.
Based on improved physical and topographical models, our Superforecast offers significantly higher horizontal resolution at hourly intervals.
Get the high level overview
Animated wind maps
Our forecast maps provide a great overview of general wind conditions.
Advanced wind and weather map
Forecast maps give you a better picture of the general weather situation. With a choice of either animated or static displays for wind conditions and more parameters like wind gusts and precipitation, you'll always get the best idea about how the weather is developing.
Get notified when great wind conditions are forecasted!
Set up wind alerts: Windfinder will let you know when the wind forecast is right.
Front row placements for your favorite forecasts
Add widgets for current conditions to your home screen. Set up multiple widgets for your favorite spots and you'll always know what's going on.
Subscribe to Windfinder Plus to get access to the full set of wind preview widgets. Get a quick glance of the forecasted wind for your favorite spot right from your home screen.
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All the wind and weather features, and more
Everything you need for that perfect day outside
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Wind & weather forecast
Worldwide 10 day forecasts for 160,000 locations
Wind & weather map
Animated wind speed and directions for your everyday wind forecast. Our forecast maps provide a great overview of general wind conditions.
Home screen widget
A handy widget to display current conditions for a favorite spot right on your home screen.
Real time weather reports
Real time wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, air pressure and other measurements from over 20,000 weather stations.
Some webcams available
If there’s a webcam feed availabe at the location or spot, you’ll be able to see it.
Windfinder Plus upgrade
Unlock even more useful weather features with a Windfinder Plus subscription
Higher resolution hourly Superforecast
Based on improved physical and topographical models, our Superforecast offers significantly higher horizontal resolution at hourly intervals. Available for Europe, North America, South Africa, Egypt and the Canary Islands
Advanced weather map
Live measurements and more weather parameters. More display modes such as wind barbs can help you gauge current weather conditions even better.
More widgets, more details
Add current conditions and wind forecast widgets in medium and large sizes to your home screen.
Full set of webcams
View all available webcams at or nearby a location.
Wind alerts
Get notified when the forecasted wind speed and directions are just right for you.
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