Live measurements / weather reports
Can I see real-time wind measurements on a map?
Yes, we offer real-time wind and weather reports for over 20,000 weather stations worldwide on our maps page.
Real time weather maps
Real time weather maps
How can I see the past wind speed measurements?
You can watch measurement data for up to seven days in the past. To access these just select your preferred date in the "Past data" menu on the right hand side over the report chart. If your requested date is older than seven days, have a look at our historical weather data request page.
How often is reported data from weatherstations updated?
Reporting frequency from different weather stations can vary significantly, with update intervals ranging from once every minute to once in every 6 hours. If the report frequency shows a random or generally irregular pattern, the station might be in in need of maintenance and the reported data might not be reliable.
What is the height of the wind sensor (anemometer) above ground?
The height of the anemometer is different for each weather station. For official weather stations the sensor height is usually at least five meters above ground.
What is the meaning of the blue and red lines?
The blue line indicates the average wind speed, the red line indicates the wind gusts. Please note that wind gusts are not available for all weather station and/or on all measurements.
My favorite spot does not have reports!
To show real-time reports, we need to have access to a weather station at your preferred spot. To find spots with reports, you can use the filters in the search menu.
Why are the measurements from a certain weather station delayed?
The weather observations are provided by weather station owners or third parties. We display the observations as soon as we receive them.
The weather observations from certain weather stations are inaccurate or false.
The weather observations are provided by weather station owners or third parties. The inaccurate or false measurements can be due to damage of the weather station sensors or transmissions errors.
The wind report from a certain weather station is no longer available.
Windfinder gets live observations from several thousand private and public weather stations. These weather stations can be damaged, have transmission problems, be broken or completely destroyed or removed.
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Weather maps