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How To Read Wave & Tide Info
Why is there no wave or tide information available at my spot?
Wave and tides information are not available for all spots. If they are available, they will be displayed. To find spots with wave and tide forecasts, you can use the filters in the search menu.
What are the wave forecasts?
Our global wave forecasts are computed with the global wave forecast model WW3 run by the American Weather Service NOAA.
Wave forecasts for the Great Lakes region are also provided by NOAA.
Wave forecasts for the Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea are based on EWAM, a regional high-resolution model run by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD).
The forecasted wave values only give an estimation about the expected waves. Local conditions at the beaches can modify these values.
What are the predicted wave parameters?
For wave height, we're showing the significant wave height of combined wind waves and swell. Wave direction is primary wave direction, and for period we're showing the primary wave mean direction, respectively.
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