Weather maps
Map forecasts and forecast overlays
Where can I find forecasts for wind, temperature and precipitation?
Toggles for forecasts for wind, air temperature and precipitation layers are located in the "Forecast layers" section in the map menu. These forecasts are each visualized as a multicolored overlay, with certain colors each representing a certain range of forecast values.
Is it possible to see the current wind direction?
Yes. There are two types of visual representations for wind directions. The default display mode is animated "Particles", where the speed of the animation represents the forecasted wind speed. The alternative display mode for wind direction is a static grid of arrows. Select the "Wind speed" option from the map menu to reveal toggles for display modes.
How should I interpret wind direction arrows?
The arrows are pointing in the forecasted wind direction. For example, if an arrow is pointing south (which corresponds to a downward direction on the map), the wind is forecasted to blow from north to south.
How do I interpret colored map overlays?
Forecasts for wind, air temperature and precipitation are displayed as colored overlays. Each of these forecast parameters is displayed using a color scheme that is specifically tailored to allow you to quickly and easily understand forecasted weather conditions.
Please refer to the color scale legend for an additional visual reference to help you understand and interpret those colors and values.
Please refer to the color scale legend for an additional visual reference to help you understand and interpret those colors and values.
The color overlays by themselves are hard to read and understand. Are there any other display options to help interpret those colors?
Yes, an additional overlay option is available for either air temperature or precipitation forecasts. Select either of the two options from the map menu, and an additional option "Value grid" will be available. Activating this option will toggle a grid of forecast values above the color overlay.
Another option to get precise forecast values for a point on the forecast overlay is simply to click or tap that point on the map. A popup will appear, displaying the exact forecast values for this point.
Another option to get precise forecast values for a point on the forecast overlay is simply to click or tap that point on the map. A popup will appear, displaying the exact forecast values for this point.
Are other weather forecast models, for example the Windfinder Superforecast, available on the weather map?
The standard forecast and Windfinder Superforecast are both available on the weather map. You may switch between these two models in the "Forecast model" section in the map menu. The Windfinder Superforecast has a better spatial resolution, allowing you to identify localized weather phenomena on the map. This is especially helpful for gauging forecasted weather conditions in areas with complex topography, such as coastlines or mountain ranges.
Forecast maps for Forecast
Forecast maps for Superforecast
Forecast maps for Forecast
Forecast maps for Superforecast
Real-time measurements
Can I see current wind measurements on the weather map?
Yes! Real-time wind reports from over 20,000 weather stations worldwide are available on the weather map. In the "Points of interest" section in the map menu, select "Live measurements" to toggle the display of the most recent measurement data on the map.
Real time weather maps
How up-to-date are wind measurements on the weather map?
Click on any of the measurement icons, to view the name of the weather station, the current available measurement data and the point in time when the data was measured.
The wind strength an speed values given by weather stations differ considerably from those implied by the colored map overlay!
Real-time measurements represent the most up-to-date available wind and weather data, while the colored forecast overlays represents weather conditions as they were calculated and forecasted by our forecast models. You may compare measurements and forecasts by simply selecting the current time for forecasts from the calendar / timeline element at the bottom of the weather map. Please note that forecasted weather and actual measurements might diverge significantly due to a number of factors.
You can find more information about our real-time wind and weather reports in the corresponding help articles.
You can find more information about our real-time wind and weather reports in the corresponding help articles.
Points of interest
What do the different symbols and icons mean?
- Country: Country or region label. Clicking or tapping these will center the selected country or region in the map within the map boundaries.
- Place: This label indicated populated places. Click to open the detailed view with options for forecast and weather data.
- : This icon indicates a populated place or area on higher zoom levels. Click or tap to reveal more forecast data and options.
- : This is a Windfinder Spot. Click or tap to reveal more forecast data and options for this Windfinder spot.
- : A Windfinder spot which is hidden due to one or more active spot filters.
- : This icon indicates a very high density of Windfinder spots within this area. Click or tap these cluster icons to zoom in until individual Windfinder spot icons appear.
- : This icon represents the latest wind measurements from a local weather station. The arrow indicates wind direction, the wind speed is represented by the adjacent numerical value and the background color. Click or tap to reveal more data and options for the underlying weather station.
- : This icon indicates a very high density of real time weather data sources within this area. Click or tap these cluster icons to zoom in until individual measurement data markers appear.
What is the difference between Windfinder spots and location / city names?
Cities, towns and city districts are displayed as labels on the map. Detailed wind and weather forecasts are available for over 120,000 cities and towns around the world.
Countries and respective sub-areas are also displayed as labels for better orientation.
Windfinder Spots are specific points of interest that might be relevant due to local infrastructure and amenities, such as airports or marinas. More importantly, many Windfinder spots are locations that are suitable for one or more water- or wind-based sports, hobbies or activities. Use the map with Windfinder spots to find spots for your next weekend getaway or to plan your next vacation!
Countries and respective sub-areas are also displayed as labels for better orientation.
Windfinder Spots are specific points of interest that might be relevant due to local infrastructure and amenities, such as airports or marinas. More importantly, many Windfinder spots are locations that are suitable for one or more water- or wind-based sports, hobbies or activities. Use the map with Windfinder spots to find spots for your next weekend getaway or to plan your next vacation!
How and where do I find Windfinder spots on the weather map?
Simply select "Show spots" from the "Points of interest" section in the map menu.
There are too many Windfinder spot icons, is it possible to hide some of these using certain criteria?
When selected from the "Points of interest" section in the map menu, Windfinder spots can be filtered by three criteria:
- Only show Windfinder spots that also have a local weather station
- Only show Windfinder spots that provide wave forecasts
- Only show Windfinder spots that provide tide forecasts
Advanced tips and tricks
Can I navigate the map with my keyboard?
For faster navigation you can also use our keyboard shortcuts while navigating on the map. Here is a list of our supported commands:
- ← , →: Forecast time navigation
- ↑ , ↓: Cycle through weather layers
- + , -: Zoom in and out
- 1, 2, 3...: Direct selection of weather layer
- M: Switch between weather forecast models
- G: Switch between map display styles
- U: Cycle through available units
- S: Activate search mode
My web browser is asking me for permission to identify my current location. What is happening and why?
We use your location data on the web to help you find your own, current position on the weather map. This data is neither stored, nor further processed by Windfinder.
Next topic:
Weather statistics